The farmers’ movement has attracted the attention and support of Sikh diaspora communities. In this compilation, we illustrate some of the responses of four US-based Sikh nonprofits: the Jakara Movement, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF), Sikh Coalition, and United Sikhs. All four are 501(c)(3) organizations under the US tax code. The material has been collected from the organizations’ websites and their email communications. During this period, these organizations have continued to pursue their other objectives and activities, including general support to the Sikh community for protection of civil rights, guidance on health and safety during the pandemic, and various community-building, educational and outreach efforts. Each organization has its own distinctive character, though they also share many of the same goals and foundational values. They typically act independently, but will also come together or promote each other when the situation demands.References

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